Best Budget Web Hosting Companies

We all need reliable, secure web hosting provider with the best hosting plan offered. The simplest solution is to choose dedicated hosting plan with all the features included and worry about nothing. However, if your aim is to find affordable hosting package, the above mentioned offer can be not so great as it seems. Don't be upset. With so plenty of offers online to find the best hosting plan is a must. And we just help you to find out which things are necessary for your successful hosting experience and what hosting company to turn to.
Rank Provider Price Disk Space Bandwidth Domain Review Sign Up
1 buy budget web site hosting plan
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3 Affordable web hosting plans
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Top Cheap Hosting Service Reviews

All the cheapest offers are collected here. Pay attention to the features offered and the reputation of hosting company you decide to trust your site. And of course, don’t forget that sometimes it is better to spend a little bit more than regret choosing the worse and the cheapest option provided. High quality service as well as top ranked features are available for any budget. Just set your limits concerning the size of your project and your expectation.

First of all, you need to know whether you want to create a blog, satellite, huge portal, forum or eCommerce site. Depending on the aims of your internet project you should choose between shared, VPS and dedicated hosting. All of them have their advantages and drawbacks. Sometimes it can be lack of features to appreciate, sometimes it can be too high prices. Anyway, your first aim is to choose a reliable hosting provider that guarantees high quality service even for cost-effective plans. We try to help you to choose the best.

Linux / Unix Hosting

Linux hosting is considered to be the best choice among entrepreneurs worldwide. It is rather cheap and user-friendly open source software. Saying Budget we really mean Linux. For quite affordable price, this type of hosting provides you with a wide range of features to choose from such as various eCommerce tools, multiple domain facility, numerous email options as well as MySQL database. To create a web site with Linux/Unix hosting is easy and requires little time.

PHP Hosting

PHP is a good choice if you are not ready to invest big money into your hosting. This type of hosting allows you to use PHP for creating web pages. PHP is easy to learn and its syntax is similar to the Perl. PHP hosting supports such databases as MySQL, Sybase and Oracle. With external libraries integrated you can generate PDF documents and parsing XML easily. Being an open-source language, PHP is supported by a lot of developers.

PHP hosting is used on various operating systems. However, Linux is considered to be the best choice. PHP language is compatible with MySQL databases that allow you to interact with several databases smoothly.

Ruby on Rails Hosting

The other good option for your budget hosting plan is Ruby on Rails application. It allows you spend less time on the syntax of a specific content and concentrate on the development of the actual content of your web application. In other words, with Ruby on Rails you will write less code and get the opportunity to execute more in less time.

However, some people don’t suppose that Ruby on Rails is the best choice. With AJAX functions integrated and object-oriented database handling, Ruby on Rails seems to be unknown field to investigate for beginners. However, those who install Ruby on Rails once will appreciate neater codes easily written and high speed of new projects execution. For example, to create Web 2.0 application takes less time with Ruby on Rails if compare with other languages.

Windows Hosting

Talking about cost-effective type of hosting some people may argue that Windows hosting can be added into this list. Yes, if compare Linux and Windows hosting, the latter will be more expensive. However, Windows still remains to be popular notwithstanding its high price. We just offer you to consider whether you really can’t live without the features provided by this type of hosting and offer you the most affordable Windows hosting plans.

ASP.NET Hosting

ASP.NET hosting is available with Windows hosting only. Of course, you can choose some cross-scripting hosting plans, but it may lead to various issues to solve. It will take time and money, so choose the recommended hosting plan for required application. ASP.NET application is used with MS-SQL databases. If you adore Microsoft products or just get used to their interface and compatibility, ASP.NET hosting will be the best choice for you.

Front Page Hosting

The other application Windows hosting work with is FrontPage. Created by Microsoft, this application is included in the Microsoft Office Suite. It is recommended to choose Windows hosting. Front Page hosting can also support such software and tools as ASP, ASP.NET and MYSQL data base programming. With various pre maid templates to launch your site with Front Page hosting is easy and takes little time.

SharePoint Hosting

SharePoint hosting guarantees fully organized connection within your company. Using this type of web hosting you will be able to share and update the information within your business easily. Just create a collaborative environment in the world of business. With SharePoint hosting your business can become more efficient and productive.

Use SharePoint for creating blogs, email reminders, photo sharing, to-do lists, wikis and many more other necessary things to perform. With clearly defined aims and steps to achieve them you will make your workforce more productive. Using SharePoint services you also can automate various aspects of daily procedures including project coordination or autoresponders to requests.

Blog Hosting

If you want to create a blog for your joy and great pastime, you can choose the cheapest hosting. There are even free blog hosting offers to take advantage of. However, if you want to be sure that your blog and content won’t disappear one day, to host your own domain is preferred option. Today, most web hosting providers offer you various scripts to install within one click. They allow you to create your personal blog easily with all the necessary features included.

WordPress Hosting

WordPress hosting claims to be the most popular among the users. WordPress content management system is simple and easy to use. With a great selection of plugins, WordPress allows you to create a blog or a static website without a vast knowledge in web programming. However, this CMS can be the best choice for small and middle-sized projects.

Joomla Hosting

Joomla is the other open source content management system. With a great Joomla community you can be sure that you will find solution for any issue occurred during your site creation and maintaining. This CMS also provides you plenty of themes and plugins to enjoy. It is also one of the most secure CMS to guarantee you full protection from viruses and hackers. Joomla hosting can be the best choice for eCommerce sites and blogs.

Drupal Hosting

Drupal hosting is the best of the best… however, it requires strong skills in web development. Of course, you can also use helpful communities, but being a beginner you will spend a lot of time on learning the whole system. Anyway, you always can hire professional staff to create really great-looking and user-friendly site with all the necessary features included.

Database Hosting

Database hosting includes hosting providers that offer you databases included into their hosting packages. Today almost all hosting plans include databases to appreciate. The other thing is whether you need them at all and how many databases are enough for your project. With related information stored electronically you will have easy access to all the necessary data. Database hosting allows you to integrate various computer applications to improve the effectiveness of business management.

MS SQL Hosting

Usually MS SQL databases is the best choice for ASP hosting. With MS SQL hosting you can generate web sites easily. However some knowledge to use MS SQL databases is required. As a rule, MS SQL database hosting is more expensive than MySQL hosting that comes with PHP. However, the good hosting plans can always be found. You need to be sure that this type of hosting is for you and choose the best among our offers.

My SQL Hosting

MySQL is a database management system with 10 million installations. It allows you to manage data, provide you with access control management of database object as well as allow you to modify and create databases. For example, you want to create a website with such popular feature when your visitors can sort the search results by brand name, price, year or some other parameters. MySQL databases is a must for such project.

Email Hosting

Some of you make think that email hosting is not a big deal. However, as soon as you create a website and decide to communicate with your existing and potential customers or visitors you will use email all the time. In this case, downtime or some other email difficulties can cause real business problems. The other thing to consider is when you have too many clients to respond or send newsletters. All the things should be automated and good email hosting provides you with this.

MS Exchange Hosting

If to deal with email to manage most important things with your staff and customers is your every day routine to switch from traditional email solutions to advanced MS Exchange Hosting can be a good decision. Thus, you will set up your own email server with Microsoft Exchange Hosting Solutions. MS Exchange is designed to meet all corporate communication needs. The other thing to take advantage of is that with MS Exchange Hosting all data, email contacts, calendar and other information can be accessed with Microsoft Outlook, Blackberry, etc.

IMAP Hosting

IMAP hosting allows you to organize, share and provide flexible access to your email. IMAP is cost-effective email solution for your business. Choosing IMAP hosting you can organize your email in several folders located on your server. For example, all email related to Steve Jones will be stored in one folder. All you need is to create one on the IMAP Server. With IMAP hosting you can connect to any computer to check your email. Thus, if you travel on business quite often, this can be the best solution for you.

cPanel Hosting

With various control panels offered by numerous web hosting providers, cPanel remains to be the most popular. It is easy-to-use and provides you with one-click management. FTP accounts, domains, emails, IP address and MySQL databases. All these can be managed with the help of cPanel control panel. Look for this type of hosting to make your life easier.

Dedicated Server Hosting

If you want to create something great with plenty of information stored and numerous visitors per day, dedicated hosting is what you need. Dedicated hosting prices vary greatly depending on the features you include in your hosing plan. Disk space, RAM, number of IP addresses provided, private SSL certificate and other things to consider. Set your goals and choose the most appropriate dedicated hosting package for affordable price.

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