How Affordable Is Cheap Hosting?

cheap hosting planEveryone who has interested in cheap hosting expects it to be cheap, but there is a difference between cheap hosting costs. The purpose of this article is to give you basic information on the prices you can meet while choosing affordable hosting plan for you.

We are going to give you tips that will help you to determine whether the price of one or another cheap hosting plan is really just. Let’s discuss budget, Windows and Linux categories.

Budget Hosting

Meanings “Budget” and “Cheap” are inseparable when we talk about this kind of hosting plan. This must be the most popular hosting, because so many people are looking to set up their online business without spending a lot of money. Budget hosting plan cost varies from $5 to $8 per month. If hosting services cost more than $10 per month, they can’t be considered cheap. You should know that a company advertising such a price is misleading and it is better to avoid such web providers.

Linux Hosting

Often when choosing the cheap hosting the question arouses: what to choose Linux or Windows. Both of them fall under the budget category, but there is an ongoing comparison between these operating systems. In fact Linux hosting is cheaper than Windows and its price can vary from $5 to $15 per month. Linux is considered to be one of the most reliable platforms as of today. An affordable Linux plan varies from $6 to $8 per month. Normally this price implies adequate disk space and bandwidth, web building tools, multiple email accounts and database access.

Windows Hosting

cheap hosting tarrifs

Today cheap hosting and Windows don’t go hand in hand. Over 5 years ago this platform mainly was providing services for the bigger businesses because only they could afford it. The price of Windows hosting dropped significantly because hosting market has become very competitive. Today you can choose Windows hosting plan varying form $10 to $15 per month. You can also find some plans under $10 that will be good as well.

If you choose Windows hosting, you will have great opportunity to get a wide range of Microsoft technologies such as ASP, MSSQL databases AND Frontpage extensions. Note that these features may be absent in Linux hosting plan.

Undoubtedly, the cost of your hosting plan depends on the need of your site. If you are the beginner in the internet business, you won’t be able to shoot the big site and to promote it too quick. So, it is better to choose affordable hosting plan to start in small way and to learn more before to make the resolute steps in the internet business.

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