Best Budget Web Hosting Companies

We all need reliable, secure web hosting provider with the best hosting plan offered. The simplest solution is to choose dedicated hosting plan with all the features included and worry about nothing. However, if your aim is to find affordable hosting package, the above mentioned offer can be not so great as it seems. Don't be upset. With so plenty of offers online to find the best hosting plan is a must. And we just help you to find out which things are necessary for your successful hosting experience and what hosting company to turn to.
Rank Provider Price Disk Space Bandwidth Domain Review Sign Up
1 Affordable web hosting plans
$2.45 Unlimited Unlimited FREE Review Sign Up
2 Budget web hosting company
$4.00 Unlimited Unlimited FREE Review Sign Up
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$3.95 Unlimited Unlimited FREE Review Sign Up
4 buy cheap and affordable webhosting plan
$3.95 5 Gb 50 Gb $19.95 Review Sign Up
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These are the basic features that are necessary for a website creation. Dedicated IP address, SSL certificate or various scripts are the other things to consider choosing among a great variety of offers.

Comparing with Linux hosting, Windows hosting plans seem to be more expensive. However, this web hosting service remains to be popular. What is more, many people suppose that to find budget Windows hosting is possible. Let’s find out what affordable Windows hosting plans you can look for.

Top Cheap Windows Hosting Service Reviews

To find cheap is not a big deal. It is more important to find reliable service that will include all the necessary features for your project. We offer you the list of the most popular and trustworthy Windows hosting companies that provide you with the most advantageous hosting plans. Learn more about the things you should pay attention to and choose the hosting plan in accordance with your needs.

Some hosts offer you to choose the best plans that include numerous superfluous features you will never use. If price really matters, try to set your goals and choose the hosting plan accordingly. Small website or huge portal, eCommerce project or forum to create online community. First of all, you need to define what type of website you want to create. Then imagine its size. And of course, don’t forget about the budget you can spend on your website. Now it is high time to dive into the Windows hosting offers to choose the best.

Budget ASP.NET Hosting

Windows and ASP.NET go hand in hand. To be precise, ASP or Active Server Pages was created by Microsoft. ASP application provides you with easy code to deal with. Choosing among various .NET languages you can write and maintain your website without much effort. C++, C#, Basic.NET or Jscript. Work in one programming environment and use various languages supported. Using ASP complied code you can create faster web applications to improve your code management on the whole.

Use Java, C++ or Visual Basic to work with ASP.NET web forms and web pages. With WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) HTML editors you can save your time and effort greatly creating your web site. In case you use Microsoft Access, ASP.NET is the best solution to save your costs.

MVC Hosting

MVC hosting provides you with Model-View-Controller framework that guarantees complete control over URL and HTML page. MVC 2.0 works on the Visual Studio 2010 /.Net 4 as well as on Visual Studio 2008/.Net 3.5. With this advanced application no server controls are required to produce HTML pages. This type of hosting also helps you to save time and makes your life easier. Choose among the most appropriate ASP.NET MVC hosting plans available.

Choosing .NET hosting you can take advantage of such well-known applications as Gallery ServerPro, Mojo Portal, Splendid CRM, Sitefinity, TextCube and Textile, AtomSite, DNN, Moodle, SugarCRM, ScrewTurn Wiki, WordPress, NopCommerce and DotNetNuke. Just use these popular applications to do your best.

Cheap Front Page Hosting

The other benefit of Windows hosting is that it works with Front Page. It is a powerful web page creator that is famous for its simplicity and user-friendliness. With Front Page to create a professional looking web site is easy. Even without knowing HTML.

How can it be possible? Just design your web site and it will be automatically converted into HTML with the help of Front Page. All you need is to copy and paste this HTML code. That’s all. With Windows server hosting your Front Page extensions will be read easily. Thus, if you suppose that Front Page is the best solution for you, choose Windows hosting to upload your website without problems.

Budget DotNetNuke Hosting

DotNetNuke or DNN hosting uses the framework of Windows ASP.NET. DotNetNuke application is easy to install and apply. It also includes its own content management system to appreciate. With DotNetNuke or DNN you can create different kinds of web layout without vast knowledge in coding and scripting. It is an open-source application with a great community that is always ready to help you in case you have some questions.

With various useful tools provided with DotNetNuke hosting you can manage your web hosting as well as control design, security and content easily. What is more, with a lot of languages supported, DotNetNuke makes your web development more convenient. Just select your language preferred to make your web site management simple.

DNN should be used with SQL backend database. Most DotNetNuke hosting plans include at least one SQL database. However, the number of SQL databases necessary for your needs differ. Look for dedicated SQL servers with good hardware for a database server.

Some people suppose that large amounts of SQL disk space for DotNetNuke hosting is a must. However, if you are not going to store large videos and images in your database, choose the minimal size that can be under 100MB. That will be enough. However, don’t forget that everything depends on the size of your project.

Cheap Windows VPS Hosting

Windows VPS hosting offers you more independence than shared hosting, but less features if compare with dedicated hosting. VPS hosting provides you with virtual server where your web site will be located. Physically, your website will be hosted on the same server with plenty of other sites as well. However, this time the server is portioned into the several virtual servers to provide you with better services to appreciate.

Looking for cheap Windows VPS hosting don’t forget that the best investment is to find reliable host. VPS hosting providers trying to earn more profits portion server into too many parts. Of course, it leads to worse performance, loading time and many other issues to consider. Try to find the best for affordable price.

If a server is portioned it also has limits. If choosing shared hosting for your small website you can be satisfied with unlimited options provided, this time you need to set your requirements more precisely. Define how much disk space is necessary, RAM you need to perform well, number of dedicated IP addresses necessary. Depending on the features necessary your website will work better. However, the price also changes greatly.

Budget Windows Dedicated Server Hosting

Talking about cheap Windows hosting solutions to mention about dedicated server hosting can be strange. However, sometimes this type of hosting is necessary for your project and to consider all budget offers is a must. This type of hosting also needs your attention to set all the necessary features to maintain your web site without problems. If your website has a large traffic and needs more features included, change for dedicated hosting as well.

Windows dedicated hosting is the best choice if we are talking about security. No other sites hosted with you. No problems connected with downtime, bad neighbourhood or disk space. Now you have your own IP address and can set the disk space limits according to your plan.

Talking about independence provided by dedicated hosting plan we should mention about managed and unmanaged Windows dedicated hosting plans. You can set your own configuration and take advantage of various options become easy-to-access. However, if you don’t know what to do with all this freedom of action, choose managed dedicated hosting for sure. It requires extra cost as well. This extra fee changes depending on the features you choose to be managed for you. Compare the pricing and decide what is better: to choose managed dedicated hosting or hire a professional programmer.

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