What Is Better Free or Cheap Hosting?

free or paid hosting

Well, now must have already realized serious power of the web-market and all the advantages of extremely wide internet audience. Now you want to create the site of your own company or maybe you just want to tell the world about your hobby and decided to create your blog, page or corporative portal. And the first question that arises is: what hosting should I choose?

Today there is a great many of offers in the web hosting market, starting with various free and ending with different paid hosting plans. And sure the word “Free” is mesmerizing for all the inexperienced users and web masters who only begin their way. So, let’s look why free hosting providers don’t take money for their services and let’s compare cheap hosting with free hosting.

Free Hosting Pluses

Undoubtedly, the main plus of free hosting is that it is free. So, it is really great variant for creating your very first site. Another great advantage of free hosting is that absolute majority of companies provide you with very comfortable and intuitively understandable control system. It means that you can create your own site without special knowledge. You can add pages, edit their content in the text editing program and sometimes even create or correct the design according to your taste. Here the advantages ends.

Free Hosting Minuses

free or paid hosting

One of the main minuses of cheap hosting is the advertising on your site. This is the indispensable condition of the free hosting system. If you want to get rid of the advertising, you will need to pay approximately $10 per month. Another downside of free hosting is templates-copyrights of the site-developer which are sewed up in your site. The third minus – it is almost impossible to move to the other platform. If you decide to change the type of hosting, you will need to create the site from the start. Free hosting offers limited functions and options. And, at least, the main minus of free hosting is domain name. Most likely you will be offered such the format as – http://your-site-name.bla-bla-bla.ru/. Some free hosting companies provide you with opportunity to buy a domain name elsewhere. But in this case your site will become accessible by two addresses that is not favour by the search engines.

Cheap Hosting Obvious Benefits

Cheap hosting is the most optimal variant for the web master who begins to make his first steps. Don’t believe that cheap hosting is worse than free hosting. On the contrary, any paid hosting, even very affordable, has a wide range of advantages as compared to free hosting. First of all, you will have second-level domain name and not the third-level. Secondly, your site won’t disappear tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Thirdly, there won’t be any obtrusive advertising. Moreover, you will have considerable amount of web space and will have opportunity to use offered utility programs and technical support.


Free hosting is good for creation non-commercial projects and proving the own forces. In some degree it cam be compared to the toy construction set, working with which will help you to delve into web subject matter and then to proceed to the serious level.

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